The Comms Hub helps it’s members:
Communicate in the world around them with confidence and clarity.
Have conversational courage and handle difficult situations and tricky conversations with ease at home, school and socially.
Untangle their words to explain exactly what they mean or how they feel at work, at home or socially.
£10 per month

The Comms Hub vision:
“To live in a world where people aren’t afraid to have meaningful conversations. A world where children grow up knowing their voice has value and where adults lead their conversations from the heart.”
Access the library of content available in The Comms Hub, and receive fresh content every month covering all aspects of communication including:
Building Relationships and Rapport
Social Confidence and Connection
Speaking and Reading out loud with confidence and charisma
Handling difficult conversations and conflict situations
How to deliver a polished presentation or interview
How to talk about feelings and ask for help or support
How to communicate and build rapport through a lens
Now’s the perfect time to join The Comms Hub and be part of a supportive online community building their communication confidence and social self-esteem side by side.
Our lives happen one conversation at a time, at work, at school and socially. The Comms Hub is here to help you thrive in every single one of those conversations!
£10 per month
I passionately believe that communication is at the heart of who we are, and that helping everyone, young and old, to find their voice and use it to have meaningful conversations every day has the potential to change the world we live in.
Camaraderie and a strong sense of belonging are such important values to me in business and at home that I’m excited to bring all I know about creating cultures for success and inclusion into The Comms Hub.
£10 per month

Hi I’m Beth!

I’m a Communication Coach who’s passionate about helping people to enjoy communicating with confidence and clarity in a whole host of everyday situations.
We all know that life happens one conversation at a time, and my mission is to share everything I know about communication with adults, children and families through simple techniques and strategies so everyone can thrive in every single one of those conversations!
Everything I coach and share has been proven to be simple to learn, easy to use and effective in delivering results, whether it’s something I’ve brought from my corporate career, my public speaking background, or my kitchen table.
Welcome to my world at ‘The Comms Hub’; a world where people know how to have meaningful conversations. A world where children grow up knowing their voice has value, and where adults lead their
conversations from the heart.”
Success Paths
Success Paths are the way we help our members to identify their communication starting point when they first join The Comms Hub and how they can recognise and track their improvements and successes as they work through the content and resources over time.

Apprehensive Communicators
Apprehensive communicators can sometimes lack confidence in social situations. They believe their communications skills let them down at times and they’d love to change this.
Adapting Communicators
Adapting communicators thrive in situations where they can use their new skills and feel more relaxed about their ability to successfully navigate all kinds of social situations in the future.
Assured Communicators
Assured communicators are relaxed and behave confidently in everyday social situations. They enjoy stepping into their power and exploring the potential of really being heard and properly understood when they communicate.

Cautious Communicators
Cautious communicators often lack confidence in a variety of social situations and can be more insular than they would like to be, or even feel a little disconnected from the family unit.
Curious Communicators
Curious communicators are eager to improve their social skills and are willing to learn how. They are finding their voice and strengthening bonds within the family unit.
Capable Communicators
Capable communicators thrive in situations where they use their new social skills. They interact confidently and openly within the family unit.
Cruising Communicators
Cruising communicators are relaxed and behave confidently in everyday social situations. They feel connected and heard within the family unit and enjoy high levels of self-esteem.

Apprehensive Parents
Apprehensive parents worry that their kids don’t know how to talk about their feelings and won’t ask for help if they need it.
Adapting Parents
Adapting parents feel confident that their kids have the necessary communication skills to successfully negotiate their future.
Assured Parents
Assured parents are really connected to their kids, and feel well equipped to support and guide them as they explore their potential in the future.
£10 per month
Is there a minimum sign up period?
I’m so confident that you’ll love The Comms Hub and want to stay as part of the community that there’s no minimum sign-up period. You’re free to leave the membership at any point, so why not sign up and see what I mean, and let’s work together to up-level your communication skills, let me help you to learn to enjoy every conversation that happens as life unfolds, and let me teach you how to do it all with confidence and clarity like never before!
What age should children be to benefit from being part of The Comms Hub?
This depends on the learning style and motivation of the child of course, but as a guide I always say that the kids content is aimed at children between the age of 10 and 18. I have worked with children as young as 7 or 8 before who have benefitted hugely…and of course once a child becomes an adult, they have the ability to move over and watch the videos aimed at adults instead of those designed for young people if they wish.
Do I have to have a separate membership for my children?
No – membership is per household’ so take out one membership and share everything on offer in The Comms Hub with all the adults and children in your immediate family home.
What should I do if I believe my child would benefit from learning these skills, but they don’t want to join in and take part?
Good question! So many parents ask me this, and my guidance is always the same. Try not to force the issue with your child. Wait until they want to find a way for these situations to feel more comfortable for themselves, instead of forcing them to be part of something right now. My suggestion – in the meantime – is to take out a membership anyway and watch the kids’ content yourself so that you can talk about the skills naturally in conversation when those moments arise at home.
By learning the communication skills yourself, you raise your own communication-game and can use your newfound skills in everyday life and let your child copy them and adopt them by simply being around you and seeing you in action. Our kids are great imitators; we just need to give them something great to imitate.
Do we have to be available to watch the videos live?
All the content is available for you to watch at a time that suits you. As young people are building their communication confidence they don’t often want to be seen live in the moment, so all the skills I’ll be sharing with you will be available to watch whenever it suits you all. Everything will be saved, and all the live sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch on replay too.
Will we struggle to keep up with everything we need to do and learn?
I appreciate just how busy life can be so I have carefully planned the content out over the course of each month so I share just the right amount to allow you to improve your skills, but not more than you can keep up with, I can promise you that!